
Spring 2018

Woven was a project of pure joy, gentleness, communication, and patience. Being given 1 week to produce a wooden screen, I chose to push the limits of the material. I made my own hand-cut veneer from special quality pine on the table saw. I carefully boiled and bent the thin wooden strips, allowing the boundaries of the material to guide my design. Initially I produced a series of test screens (featured towards the end). Eventually, I produced a final screen, using the lessons I learned from the material along the way.

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A Material Partnership

The culmination of my non-predictive explorations into weaving was this 15 foot long pine piece. While using a standard grided weaving pattern, I deviated with various movement here I saw fit. The project was truly a partnership between me and the material. This piece features connections, a double curvature, whisps, and unravelings.

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My first exploration was inspired by basket weaving and weaving I had seen in furniture design. I first strung through three straight pieces, occasionally securing them with dots of wood glue. I then explored the potential influence of curved pieces of veneer, boiling them, bending them and forcing them into the structure. I found this exploration exciting, and chose to utilize my bending technique in a more controlled format. I began by creating panels with simple curves, as can be seen in screen 01 and 02. The thin handmade veneer truly defined the pitch of these variations, being so thin, light could shine through. In screen 03 I began to explore connection details, bending and interlocking pieces. By screen 04, I addressed the ultimate feat: creating a double curvature. The curve put an incredible amount of strain on the material, having to bend in multiple axises. I developed the piece with small segments of veneer, carefully negotiating the form with the material.